Psychologist & Coach
From painting to dancing, artistic expression and creative practice have a proven positive impact on wellbeing, from improving an individual's focus, clarity, energy, sense of calm, joy and confidence, to improving their physical health. Through neuroplasticity (growing new processes in the brain and weakening old ones) creative "doing" and "thinking" can establish significant improvements in overall mind-body wellness and performance. Creative thinking and expression can be enjoyed by anyone, unlocking benefits that are wonderfully fruitful in most areas of life. My master's degree in the arts included the study of arts and health, so I am open to incorporating creative exploration in my coaching methods.
The Neuroscience of Creativity (Cambridge Fundamentals of Neuroscience in Psychology)
Anna Abraham
Art Therapy and the Neuroscience of Relationships, Creativity, and Resiliency: Skills and Practices
Noah Hass–cohen, Joanna Clyde Findlay, et al.
Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity
Keith Sawyer
The Dance Cure: The surprising secret to being smarter, stronger, happier
Dr Peter Lovatt
Body and Mind in Motion: Dance and Neuroscience in Conversation
Glenna Batson
Thinking with the Dancing Brain: Embodying Neuroscience
Sandra Minton